Sunday, July 20, 2008

your words match your heart

Okay so tonight at church the youth had our Rec thing going and and afterwards we did our devotion. So during the devo Kendall was talking about how much of what we say can effect us. So when Kendall finished Mr. Martin started talking about how even replacement curse words are bad. I really agree with this. Because even if you don't say the real curse word but say some other word for it or just a word that isn't all that bad or sounds kind of like the curse. It's still the same. And then he asked how many of us had ever let some word just come out when we got mad, some hands raised. Then he asked again how many had thought that word when someone made us mad. Every hand was raised. It's weird in a way that even though we may not say that word but think it's just as bad. God can see your heart and knows your thoughts so even if no one else hears you or know you said that word or words, God does and that should be enough.
Another cool thing Mr. Martin said was to the guys that were there. He said "Guys, you should know that each one of these girls is going to remember every single mean or nasty thing you say to them." True oh so true. He then asked the girl how many of us remember a mean thing that one of the guys or a guy had said to us. Every girl raised their hand. Then he asked the guys how many of them remembered the mean things they had said to girls. No hands raised to that one just the whole deer in the headlights look. That is so true. I remember things that guys I know have said to me that really hurt me but they probably didn't know at the time that hurt me. And so many times girls don't realize it either. I have said things to people that I didn't know would hurt them until after I said it. Or even after I had walked away from that person. It weird how strong of an effect such a small part f the body as the tongue can have on your life and on others lives. And it's strange that what seems like such a small problem is one of the hardest one to fix. But it is worth fixing.
Talk later.

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