Saturday, July 12, 2008

Do dreams really tell you something?

So last night I had this really weird dream. For some reason Tessa and I were in a cross country endurance race were we had to find our way to the church or something like that. Well it was the dead of winter and we were stopped at my creek to water our horse, Joker(aka one of the ponies at T2F) and I had taken off his blankets, which held all our stuff, and laid them in the snow. Well for some reason my dad and grandma show up. I don't really know why but I did asked them which direction that Pleasant View was in. So they pointed it out and daddy started back up to the house. Mema on the other hand ran up the hill to the cliff and started to tip over a big metal thing, which she did and bats started fling out of it. Tessa freaked out and I think I laughed until the bats turned into water buffalo/cow looking things and started charging down the creek. Well I had left the blankets in the middle of the creek so I ran to get them. As you know the buffalo/cow things were charging down the creek so I threw up my arms and they all stopped. I some how got the blankets while keeping my arms raised and then got out of the way and Tessa and I headed on our way to Pleasant View. Then somehow we made it behind this game center that is about five minute from church the opposite direction from PV. Anyway. I was with a different group. Tessa had disappeared. And I was with my World Changers crew with a few others from church. Well when I saw the back of the center thing I got all excited and started screaming "I know where we are!" and ran down the hill to the busy road. When the group got down there I asked the leader if he want to take the back road or stay on this bust one. He said to stay on the busy one so we did and we started walking. Somehow I got separated from the group along with two other girls from church so we waited in a little play house by the road. Then I woke up.
Can you tell me if this dream means anything? 'Cause I don't really think it does.
Talk Later.

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