Friday, July 11, 2008

We're Working 4 You

So yesterday the WSMV Channel 4 news people came to the church to film our choir doing a Christmas jingle for their weather group. The jingle was to the tune of We Wish You a Merry Christmas and wasn't all that great so we sort of changed it, to make it that much more better. Anyway. The whole Choir(well most of it and a few extras) got all robed up and went and sang it about 5 times for the shooting of it(myself and Tessa included). I'm going to rewind here for just a second. It's 11:30 and I need to get a choir robe so I go in the women's robing room to find a robe. Well I didn't want to steal any ones so I grabbed an extra. It was a tent. It swallowed me whole. And I only got about 12 comments about it. But I stuck with it and only almost killed myself once(aren't you proud?). Okay back to the shooting of the jingle. We're up there singing and it's the next to the last shoot so the camera guy it panning the choir and right as the song ends he is in my general area. No big deal. Except I have a piece of hair in my face so I push it behind my ear, after the song is over, but the camera guy still looks like he's filming. And out of the blue Mrs. Janet leans over and goes "Don't fix your hair in front of the camera!!" I really didn't mean to do that in front of the camera. I was sure that he had stopped filming. I don't feel too bad cause I wasn't the only one who had camera issues. Tony, the music ministers son got scared by the camera and jumped back a little when it was right in front of him. What makes that even funnier is that he's 16 years old. lol. I thought it was funny anyway. Nikki, Tony's sister, was standing right behind me in the choir loft so when she got up there I informed her that there was no way I could sing if she was behind me. She gave me an evil look and said "Fine then I'll just deflate your air mattress." That is from World Changers. There was a spree of mattress deflator's and this proved that Nikki was one of them. But to that I replied "Fine just for that you can't use my shampoo." Ya see Nikki forgot about everything she needed so she use my shampoo and flip flops all week. Oh I also told her she couldn't use my flip flops and that's when her mom asked her why she had to use them and Nikki said, "I didn't want to get that foot fungus!!" That made a lot of people laugh. Well, that's about it. I will however finish off with a funny quote from the day.
-Mr. John was asking for those who were new that day to introduce themselves, He sees Thomas(a fifth grade boy sitting right behind me). So Mr. John asks if Thomas is a tenor. To which Thomas replies. "Yes, Ten or eleven" That was pretty funny right there and it got Mr. John off guard,that a fifth grader said that.
Talk l8r

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