Tuesday, July 22, 2008

There is a difference

So a few weeks ago in Sunday School we finished our Mean Girls study. In this study we learned how to deal with the mean girls in our lives and learn how to not become a mean girl. At the end of the study we all signed the Mean Girls contract. There were several conditions to the contract of course and one of them was something I had never really seen a difference between before. The thing was that To be a grown up girl(that's what they kept calling us) you must be spiritual and not religious. I had never really thought there was a difference before but there is. Being religious is just going through the motions of your religion. Like just showing up at church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights every week, or reading 60 verses in the bible everyday because that's what it takes. But that isn't what it's all about. God wants a personal relationship with us, a one on one kind, not a OH HOLIER THAN THOU kind. Being spiritual is different. Yes God wants you to be in church and read your Bible, but not as qualifications, but because you want to. God isn't a bout the little religious rule book. He wants a relationship that isn't based on fear and duty to him, he wants one based on us wanting to serve Him, not just doing the right thing so we aren't struck by lightening. I hope this helped you. It opened my eyes to things I hadn't thought of and I hope it did for you to.
God Bless.
Talk later.

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