Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why do things have to change?

Growing up is hard. And you know what it keeps getting harder. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to Kindergarten where everyone is friends with everyone. Girls think boys are nasty and the boys think girls have cooties. Wouldn't that be nice. If we could all live in a Kindergarten world. But alas, we do not. We grow up fast. And right now I wish I could just go back. Why does everything have to change so drastically from day to day. I know the Bible says that tomorrow is not ours to worry about, but it's so hard not to. Stinkin' hormones. They give you highs and lows and are never the same from second to second. Isn't being a teenager lovely.
"Why do you think teenagers are so mean to each other," asked Pastor Mike in the Surviving School Bible Study on Sunday. Why? Answers like, "Because some think they are better than others", and "Because when you feel bad you want others to feel bad too. So you bring them down and it somehow makes you feel better." These are very wise answers. My groups answer was because we are not self confident. It's kind of cool because if you look at all the answers they are pretty much are all the same in a round about way. We aren't confident in ourselves so we bring other's down to make ourselves feel better than them. At least that's what I think it all goes back to. What do you think?
Why do teenagers constantly bring other's down?

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