Thursday, September 11, 2008

At a loss

I've been trying to blog, really I have. It's just that there's too many things going on to choose what to blog about, or decide what is blogger worthy.

Anyway. Yesterday was Wednesday ( and tomorrow will be Friday: ) and of course along with the title comes a very busy day. And Yesterday was about as busy as a Wednesday they get.

6:00- woke up, got dressed ate breakfast(this is early for me and I wasn't too happy)

7:00- loaded up in the van to take my grandma to the airport for her trip to Texas

8:30- left airport and head for Rivergate

8:45- discovered that no store opens until 10:00 so we headed to Target(got a shirt and a pair of jeans so happy was I)

10:00- finally stores were open so we went down the list of where we need to go

12:00- went to Sam Ash to get a new petal for my keyboard(I could have stayed in the store forever! I love music stores!)

12:30ish- went to Jack in the Box for lunch and then headed home.

I know this is just the best thing in the world. Reading about one of my days.

3:15- went to go pick up Evan for church ( I got made fun at by my grandpa for that, Momma put it on the board as Pick Up Evan and he thought I had a date. No. No.)

4:00- set up for Praise Band and waited while everyone else showed up

4:30- Praise Band Practice went well this week!!! No major issues!!! No one freaked out,yet!

5:45- everyone rushed to go eat. Very fun won't go into how that went.

5:56- rushed to the bathroom and rushed back only to find I had about ten minutes till I had to go to the library.

6:00- Prayed with the Praise Band and did out huddle( we can't keep time unless we're playing to music, it's pretty funny)

6:30- made fun of because I won AGAIN at a game we played in youth, not my fault though

8:00- Adult Praise Band Practice( I heart you Tessa!!!) playing keyboard on two songs don't know how anyone could not like the two we are doing.

9:00- headed home finally and was told I had to be down at the barn at T2F AT 6:30 am. Yeah!!

That ends Wednesdays program thank you for watching.

Please note that this programs is kept running by readers like you (yes you). Thank you

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