Monday, September 22, 2008

Let them get it out, the girls can have fun watching

The past two Sunday nights at the Youth Bible Study we played the "Uh Uh" game. It's pretty funny. Pretty much your just passing the "Uh's" around the circle, and since there is grunting involved the guys LOVE it. They get so into it. It is HILARIOUS.
We were talking about it in Sunday school and Ms. Manda said that she was all for letting them have a game in which they can grunt if it gets them to come to church. She has two youth aged sons and she said that for the firs time in like two years they came home excited about something to do with church, that it wasn't just the drag it normally is. I think that's pretty cool that they get excited about a silly game. But if it works, hey let them.
Anyway after she said that, Mike(who had poked his head into our class) commented that he did that intentionally because church and youth group tends to go more for the girls than guys because it's a lot of singing, and talking about your feelings. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but guys don't really care for that kind of stuff.
And don't get me wrong the girls like this game too. Several played yesterday, myself included, but really it's a lot more fun to watch the guys have at it.
Talk later.
PS I'll try to get a video of the game. It's too hard to explain without seeing it first.

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