Saturday, September 4, 2010

What A Couple Of Days!

Holy guacamole - the last few days have been " different " to say the least. You may have noticed that i missed Friday Flip Offs but there is reason for that. Let me backtrack:

*Thursday - woke up feeling a little yucky, which i blame on Flynn. Last week i had a stomach bug for three days, i had Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday feeling back to normal, but by Thursday i'd contracted Flynns chest infection because he's been sick enough to have him in bed with us. Well, partly because he's sick, partly because we're still midway through Project SleepyTime. Anyhoo, the doctor we saw on Monday said Flynn had a chest infection that had developed in conjunction with the viral infection he had the week before, and the poor little bloke has suspected asthma ( i say suspected because kids under 12 months can't officially be diagnosed with asthma - apparently you need a history of wheezing before they'll call it " asthma " ). So Thursday morning i think i've probably picked up his infection - by Thursday afternoon i'm sure. A fever of 38.2 degrees, hacking cough and every bone and muscle in my body aching. I feel like total crap. My mum and dad take Flynn grocery shopping with them so i can have a nap.

* Friday - Mick takes a sick day off work so he can look after Flynn because i am totally out of it. Still feverish and with a total body ache. Cold and flu tablets take the edge off a little but i still spend the majority of the morning moaning on the lounge. Mick takes Flynn off to visit his Nanny so they can get out of the house and i can have a proper rest. I pop me some prescription pain killers ( thanks Dad! ) and have a nap - which does wonders. I was still wheezy and felt like my head was going to explode but the aches and pains were gone. I could move freely again! The other big and waaaaaaaaaaaay more important development of the day? Flynn said his first word!! I was ( irrationally ) starting to worry that it was never going to happen, that there was some developmental delay, and then Friday morning we got a " da da da " which had become a fully fledged " dad dad dad " by the end of the day. Guess who'll be getting up in the middle of the night from now on ? Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad.....

* Today ( Saturday ) - A rare weekend sleep in. Why ? Because Flynn had his first sleepover at Grandma and Poppy's. My mum and dad volunteered to have him for the night because i was still a little unwell and Mick had been up most of the previous night and they thought we could use a full nights sleep. Best.Grandparents.Ever. Flynn smiled his little guts out when we go to pick him up which was an awesome feeling. My dad says he wasnt too bad overnight but they he did get to watch a whole soccer match very early in the morning. We take Flynn home, i get to making some rocky road fudge for the two Pop's fathers day presents and then i go back and get my mum so that we can go to a bridal gown sale. A boutique from Sydney has come five hours to my town with discontinued gowns and last-of sizes. I originally only went for a look, to scope out what kind of cuts are available and what would suit me but guess what? I tried a few on ( to appease the sales woman ) and i absolutely fell in love with two of them. I knew that i didnt want a strapless gown ( bloody everyone has strapless gowns ) and i didnt want anything too frou-frou princessy either. I was really dreaming about something either very vintagey or Grecian inspired so when i spied one of each i had to try them. I called my sister and got her to come down for another opinion and after about 2 hrs of trying-on and careful deliberation i went with the Grecian dress. Very simple in cut but it has some sparkle to bling it up. My wedding is not until November 5th next year, so i have 14 months to maintain this weight ( or ideally lose 5 kgs, which wont effect the fit too much ). I cant believe i bought a wedding dress!

And so, tomorrow is Fathers Day. We are having breakfast at my brothers and i'm cooking dinner and dessert for Mick. Lets see what crazy things might happen in between!

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