Friday, September 24, 2010

I Like It, I Love It!

So - when i disappeared for a few days, where did i go? Mick, Flynn and I went to Sydney for a few days, thats where. And, i'm happy to say, we had a great time and it was just the break i needed. We stayed at Micks aunties place so we didnt have to pay for accomodation ( yay for being able to crash at the rello's place! ) and we got breakfast and dinner cooked for us, so we saved on food costs too. We drove down Sunday, only stopping twice with Flynn, and went shopping on the Monday. We hit up DFO Homebush and Westfield Parramatta - i didnt buy much but it was still a decent way to spend sometime. Thankfully Flynn wasnt too over-awed by all the people and the noise although he was a little unnerved every time we went in an elevator...

Tuesday we took the train from Parramatta into the city. Although he's too young to appreciate it, i really enjoy just cruising around the CBD and i wanted to get a photo Flynn with the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. It happened to be a beautiful sunny day so the pics are a little over-exposed and, as i'm feeling quite fat, i'm not posting the pics of me. You can have this one of Daddy and Flynn though:
But the absolute highlight of my trip? Tim McGraw!! If your one of those sad people who i've come across who doesnt actually know who is, Tim McGraw is a country music superstar, a Grammy winner, and actor and an allround hunk of sexy. Please peruse these pictures as evidence of that last bit:

Oh yea - spunkrat. Anyhoo, Mick and I ( and my mum and dad, who were kind enough to pay for our tickets ) took ourselves off to see Tim live in concert on Tuesday night and, i gotta tell you, it was awesome. My one disappoint was that i didnt take my camera - i thought it would be no use to me but thats because i didnt realise how close we would be. Turns out our tickets were only four rows from the front of the catwalk so i could have got a perfect shot of his performance ( or his cute little bum! ). We were that close that if i had stood on the seats the row in front of me i would have been able to touch him - only i'm not the kind of girl who climbs all over crap, risking a humilating fall onto a fellow concert goers during which i may have exposed my butt crack. Not cool. Anyways - so yea, we were super close to the stage and i didnt take my camera. Very disappointing. I did manage to borrow my mums camera phone ( couldnt use mine - Flynn drooled on my phone and now the camera doesnt work ) to snap a few grainy pics. Apologies for the quality:

And the best part of all? He brought out his wife, Faith Hill, to do a duet with him and apparently it was the only leg of the tour that she sang at ( take that Brisbane and Melbourne! ). I stood, i sang, i danced, i loved it and i stayed out past midnight for the first time since falling pregnant with Flynn. So thank you Tim McGraw - you rocked your sexy butt off!

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