Saturday, September 11, 2010


Nine years ago four planes were hijacked as my mom took me to school for a Tuesday of 2nd grade classes. Later that morning two of those planes crashed into the two World Trade Center towers as I walked back from the bathroom with my classmates. I remember seeing the footage on the TV that was in the daycare as my class walked by. The school administrator then came over the load speaker announcing exactly what had happened and that due to these events everyone was to stay inside the school. Being only in second grade I didn't understand just what had happened and was simply upset because we wouldn't get to go outside for recess.
I will never forget that day. I'll never forget seeing over and over again on the news the towers falling, the smoke billowing, the people running, the many families faces who lost someone in all four of those crashes. It is a day all who can remember will never forget.

As we remember this day let us also remember the families who lost loved ones in the crashes or in the aftermath. Let us also remember our troops who have fought, are fighting, or having given theirs lives protecting their country from something like this ever happening again.

God Bless America.

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