Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Time Has Come

Right - so remember that thing that i said i would eventually write about, i just wasnt going to reveal what it was at the time ? Yea, well, the time has come. Drum roll please....

I, Amy, of Insomniatic Musings.... I am pregnant.

Read it again if you have to, but it will say the same thing. I'm 25 years old, and i am going to be a mumma before my 26th birthday.

You are probably sitting back and doing your math about how long i have been with Mr Gil - yes, i will confirm for you that it has not been a long time, and this pregnancy was not planned. It was a suprise - a beautiful, amazing, terrifyingly scary suprise. I am - we are - very happy. I've always wanted to be a mum and i was beginning to despair that it would never happen. But now it is, and with a man that i am deeply in love with, even after what is a relatively short time.

I'll keep this short - its late, and as i've discovered, the early stages of pregnancy make me tired - and i'll provide more details later. I just wanted to share my news with.... well.... everyone!

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