Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury...

...Amy will NOT be needed for jury duty tomorrow. Which is kind of disappointing, because frankly i wanted to take the day off work and sit in on a court case. To see the inner workings of the Australian justice system, without being on the wrong side of the law.

Also, i really wanted to pretend i was part of an episode of " Law and Order ". Cue the famous " DUN DUN " noise....

But seriously, i think i would have found it interesting having to attend jury duty. I've been called up three times now, but i've never actually had to go. I've neve been to court period - i'm so not the criminal type - so it would have been a completely new experience. Of course, i know that it wouldnt have been a murder case or anything as exciting and " glamourous " as you see on tv, but it still would have been something different to the usual daily grind. Besides, even the mundane, everyday complaints can be entertaining - how else do you explain " Christina's Court " ? Plus, i would have got the day off work and been paid for it, which is always great.

I'm not sure how the judicial systems work elsewhere on the planet, but the way things go here in New South Wales i remain on the jury register for the rest of the year. I was called up in March but couldnt go because i was working interstate; i was called up for tomorrow but wasn't needed; who knows, i could be third time lucky sometime later this year ?

P.S Has anybody out there ever actually had to sit on a jury ?

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