Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ouch!!! It was the Car Wash

Yesterday was my youth group's Yard Sale/Car Wash fundraiser. I worked the car wash side and am sunburned like crazy, especially on my chest and shoulders. It was a lot of fun thought and I think we raise quite at bit of money to go towards our camps this summer. My job for the day was standing out in front of the flower shop we held it at with several other people holding signs and yelling "CAR WASH." You must know that this was loads of fun *pitiful looking smile*. We got cars in though so I guess that's all that matters.The Yard Sale went well too. It was the biggest pile of junk I've seen in a long time but hey some man's trash it another man's treasure. All in all the day was fun. We raised money and had a good time which was the whole purpose anyway. I wish I had pictures but I figured that a car wash and a camera don't mix. I do however have a picture of my sunburn.

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