Friday, January 16, 2009

Blah-Blah-Blah Bloggin'

For one thing it is COLD!!!! It got down to about two degrees last night and only got into the thirties today. What is this Global Warning stuff when we have had the coldest winter since the 80's. I'll stop there because I could rant and rave about that subject to no end.

Besides being very cold (okay very cold compared to what we normally are we don't have anything to compare with the people in the northwest who have a sizzling -40) this week has been very slow and uneventful. The highlight of my week has bee of course Wednesday. For one thing Praise Band was NUTS. We got through OK but just only that. The best part was right before service when Tessa and I are walking to the Salt House.
So here we are casually walking down the hall talking about nothing in particular when we spy a large circle of our peers. As we get closer we find that they are all gathered around a pile of random junk(as pictured above). As we reach the circle Will and Landon (the drummer and bass player in the PB) ask if we want to join the "campfire". We thought about it and then the rest of the group say "You have to sacrifice something to join." Tessa and I think and kind of say no/ I don't know. Tessa gives in and throws in her whole bag and then they all called me a party pooper so I relented and took off a shoe and threw it in. It was so hilarious because when I had just sat down they hot to me and Will and Landon both go. "Micah what's your name," this is very funny to me because that's what my nephew Jacob does whenever he calls me. OK I'm rambling now so I'll quit. Along with the campfire thing we got comments about us being crazy, and that this would make the best picture ever. See how wonderful our youth group is!!
Just so you know the picture of the phone screen is of the pile of junk we had

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