Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 in review

So as many of you know(at least I hope you know by now) that it is January of 2009. Last year(wow it's weird to say that) for me went by kind of fast and was crammed full of stuff. It was great though and I learned a lot. As for a year in review thing I don't think I can do one just cause I don't know what I'd list but I guess I can put some highlights down.

Went to World Changers and had a blast at the first youth camp that I have ever attended.

Had fun with my friend Morgan at World Changers. And in this picture you see have short hair(Well short for me) which is the shortest my hair has been since 1st grade. It's longer now of course.

In an attempt to curl my hair this happened, I learned to never brush curly hair. And if you notice from the picture with Morgan to the half fro one I had Braces put back on which was wonderful! NOT!

Curled my hair again and got a better result!

I now own a nice dress. All of my friends know that I never wear dresses but I love this one. The picture is of me and my parents before a Christmas program at church
I have had a ton of fun being in the Youth Praise Band. They're all such a good group of friends, crazy friends, but good. I've had so much fun being a part of it with everyone.
2008 a good year and too many things have happened to list them all and I'm sure 2009 will be a great year too!

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