Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why you should always check locks....

I babysat a little girl yesterday for the first time. She's a five year old ginger (redhead) and is a complete ball of spitfire and goofiness. It was a long day (I was there from before eight to a little after three) but was fun in it's own way. I played five games of Candyland, Yatzee (I didn't know a five year old could like that game), Go Fish, and several others. Along with all the games we played I was informed of several facts about her family. I can honestly say, if you don't want something know, don't tell a five year old.
However, the high point of the day was when we were coming back inside from playing catch. We walked up on the deck and I grabbed the door handle was locked. I thought the lock was like the one at my house, you know the typical if the lock tab is side to side it's unlocked. That was not true for this locked. After that revelation I had to figure out what to do. It was too hot (an extremely humid 95) to stay out side for long. The child and I walked around the house trying every door. All were locked. I called her mom, no answer. I tried the door again hoping I had just turned it the wrong way. It was locked. I called her mom again, no answer. Finally I just went and sat on the front porch with the child so we'd at least be in the shade. I finally got ahold of her mom and she called her dad to come over and unlock the door. So after a fifteen minute waiting, telling an impatient five year old how many minutes were left, we got in.
Thanks to this days first time experience, I will now always check locks.

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