Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Polly Dolly - Celebrity Stylings

Thank the Lord - Polly Dolly is here! You have no idea the withdrawals i was suffering.... Anyhoodle, Polly Dolly is brought to you, as always, by the spunkalicious Dani from Danimezza. This week Dani wants us to imagine that our Polly is not really Polly, but rather that she's our favourite....
Polly Dolly - Celebrity Stylings

Its tough to pick a favourite, but one celebrity i do love is Anne Hathaway. Not only is she gorgeous in that wide mouth/wide eye kind of way ( which i just dont get with someone like, say, Julia Roberts ) but in all the interviews i've seen with her she just comes across as so witty and funny and like she'd make a great girl to go out for cocktails with. Plus, i like what she wears 95% of the time, so i thought Anne would be great fun to dress. I love what she wears for less formal events so i've gone with something she might wear to a press call for a new movie. I found this great block colour shift dress which i've paired with a plain navy blazer. Orange accessories highlight the dress and bring out Annes fun side. She'd also need a tinted moisturiser with SPF factor to protect her georgeous dewy skin. Neutral eye make up and lashes of mascara to highlight those huge yes finish off the look.
Who would you dress?

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