Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week Two, Sunshine and the Return of the Beard

On Friday I returned from a week’s holiday in Scotland, and I brought the sunshine back with me. Little did I know when I wrote last week that I was hoping for some sunshine that the week would be so gorgeous weather wise. All week, I have enjoyed blazing sun, temperatures in the mid twenties and some very lazy days walking, reading and simply sitting and watching the world go by.

Foolishly, I decided on day three of my holiday to shave my beard off – not sure why, it just seemed a good idea at the time. Then after shaving for just two days, and with a face as sore as anything, and cut to ribbons, I  decided to let the beard grow again – hopefully normal service will be resumed by the time I get back into work!

I felt incredibly guilty thinking about all those early years of my nursing career where it was ‘normal’ to shave the male patients every morning – I cannot recall anyone asking the patients if they wanted to shave or not.

 I have a little time to re-grow my beard as unusually (for me), I am having two weeks annual leave back to back. Whilst the first week was total self indulgent relaxation the second week is destined to be spent catching up on all those jobs that simply don’t get done at the weekend. It will be a hectic week but rejuvenating nevertheless.

There is plenty of relaxation time built in to the week’s schedule and Cello certainly knows how to deal with the heat and truly understands the art of relaxation.

Anyway, as well as my beard returning next week, the blogs normal service will also re-commence next weekend!

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