Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Polly Dolly - The Park Is The Place To Be

So i'm off to Sydney for the weekend at lunchtime....but before that, i have time to fit in a quick round of Polly Dolly! ( which happens to be brought to you by the lovely Dani over at Danimezza ). This week, Dani has been inspired by some fellow bloggers and wants to know how we dress when we're being...

Polly Dolly - The Park Is The Place To Be
This is pretty much exactly what i would wear - you know, if i could afford all this cute stuff! Jeans and a soft, warm stripey cardigan are pretty much my uniform. Converse All Stars mean i can be comfy while i chase Flynn around on his trike. A scarf for a bit of added warmth, sunnies for the cool factor ( and sun protection ). A re-purposed nappy bag to hold all the extra bits and pieces, and my old favourite, Pepsi Max, to sip on while Flynn does the slippery dip ( over, and over, and over... ).
How about you - are you a Hot Park Mum?

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