Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Little Things Like Blowing Your Nose

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure (NOT) of having my wisdom teeth out. I got through the pain after a rough time with the medicine, many hours of ice pack and frozen peas on my chipmunk looking cheeks, and a couple of weeks of not being able to open my jaw as wide as I would like to. There was one thing though that got me. One of my upper wisdom teeth was in my sinus and when removed left a hole that needed to be stitched up. This isn't as bad as it sounds. It only bothered me the day of my surgery. I did however have a long list of things to do and not do in order to care for these stitches. One was not to blow my nose. For two weeks. This wouldn't have been so bad if I had been able to take the cold medicine they suggested but I couldn't take it. I got a cold.
I never realized how much I would want to blow my nose until I couldn't.
That happens a lot in life. Ha ha! I did find a parallel to this!
It's easy to talk a big game and take for granted the little things we can do. Like walking or talking or blowing your nose. We don't think twice before walking across the room to get something. We don't pay attention to how much we use our voice to communicate.
I've had time to think about these things. I learned very quickly how much I liked being able to walk without pain. When I lost my voice, I saw how much I needed it. Having a stopped up nose and not being able to do anything about it, I realized how something as simple as that could make such a big difference.
Needless to saw I can now blow my nose. I was able to yesterday. It was glorious (if blowing your nose can be that).
So after you read this think about some small stuff that can make a big difference.

P.S. It's been snowing for three days here. I'm not happy about it. People get crazy when there are flakes a fallin'. Last week there were schools closed point three inches of snow. Oh the joys of southern living!!! Oh Some places have over a foot of snow. Can you believe there is over a foot of snow somewhere south of Nashville. That's crazy!

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