Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Janus Blog 2010/11

 It’s the 2nd of January, and the start of a new year. It was Roman God Janus, who was said to be the God of beginnings, endings and time. Most often Janus is depicted as having two heads, facing in opposite directions; one head looks back at the last year while the other looks forward to the new, simultaneously taking a look into the future and the past.

As this is my first blog of 2011, I decided to take a quick look back at some of the blogs from 2010 as the way to start the blog of the future. One of the things I wrote about in January 2010 was a book chapter I was writing on the need for all of us to learn the value to our mental well becoming more resilient. Patience is a part of resilience, which is just as well as the book has still not been published! February touched upon Tesco’s, Boy Scouts, the wearing of pyjamas, and smoking (both of which, I have to say, are very unhealthy habits).

 Whereas in March it was all long legged blondes, hunting and nurses. The somewhat Janusesque poster in the blog attracted the greatest number of responses to a posting on my blog site ever. April was about embracing troublesome knowledge (and not knowing), and in May I recalled where I was when I heard about the attack on the twin towers and 2011 marks 10 years since this dreadful event.

In June one of my blogs celebrated the arrival of my fifth grandchild, whilst July heralded the arrival of the sweeping economic measures to be taken across all sectors of the UK including the £21 billion savings required of the NHS. August was also about numbers, but this time the poor numeracy abilities of some nurses and the problems this brought for educationalists and practice partners alike. September was new students, and reminders of unconditional positive regard for others, whilst in October I recalled my desire to change the face of nurse education and where this 10 years project had got to. November brought with it the brilliant and breathtaking release of Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma - such wonderful and long over due news.

December featured Angels and Demons and that particular posting, got the second highest level of responses in the year. Not sure why, but thanks for the feedback.

So it has been a year where lots of things have happened, there has been much turbulence, moments of pure excitement but also some sadness, and where above all else, change was all around. I am really looking forward to the challenges and changes 2011 will bring. I hope to continue capturing my thoughts about these experiences in my weekly blogs.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my take on the events of the year as much as I have enjoyed writing the blogs. I don’t usually have a shortage of ideas on what I want to write about when I open up my lap top at 5am on Sunday mornings. Whilst sometimes it is simply thinking about individuals that inspire the story lines which eventually become the week’s blog, often my ideas are sparked by reading or hearing the stories, reports, and experiences of countless other people who I have never met. So thanks to all of these people, and all of you who have let me know in many different ways what you thought about the blogs. I remain constantly surprised at the reach of the postings.

And finally, as 2011 starts, (Janus?!) I would like to take this opportunity to say to all those people who, for lots of different reasons, I didn’t get to meet or speak to over the Christmas break; I hope your new year brings you everything your heart and mind desires!

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