Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Love is patient when your ride is late to pick you up.
Love is kind when that person you can't stand comes up and talks to you.
Love is not jealous when your best friend gets asked out and you don't.
Love is not boastful when you win and someone else loses.
Love is not proud when you know you look good and you friend doesn't.
Love is not rude when your parent asks you to do something you don't feel like doing.
Love does not demand it's own way when others decide to do something that wasn't your idea.
Love is not irritable when your little brother or sister won't leave you alone.
Love keeps no record of being wronged.
Love does not rejoice about injustice by saying "I told you so," but rejoices when the truth wins out.
Love never gives up even when the going gets tough.
Love never loses faith even when all around you lose theirs.
Love is always hopeful that things will get better.
Love endures through every circumstance.
Love never fails.

*loosely based on a video I saw in youth group and on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

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