Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm not dead yet.

In Sunday School we were talking about peer pressure and from there went into boundaries in dating relationships. My teacher, after hearing about all the stuff that goes on in the lives of some schools, made the remark that the more she hears about that kind of stuff the more she agrees with waiting to date until Senior year or even college.
Several of the girls in the class agree with and are doing just that, myself included, but several in the class don't see how that's possible. One girl vocalized that.
"I don't see how that's possible. I couldn't ever do that. I'd just die."
We all just kind of look at her some sort of agree and others just sort of laugh. The said again that she would just die if she couldn't date (not that she's dating anyone).
Here's the best part though. Brandis (as I call her), one of THE sweetest girls on the face of this God created earth, put some attitude on and looked at the girl and goes, "I'm not dead yet!"
I really liked this so I piped up and said, "Yeah, I'm not dead yet either."
The girl looked at me and goes, "Well you have more...more..."
"More what?" I ask.
"You're more controlled."
That's a true statement in many ways. I, along with my other friends who aren't going to date, do not flirt (intentionally) with guys or act desperate for guys attention. We're just not like that. And for me that not hard to not be. It isn't hard to try to act normally and nicely around guys.
The hard part is the emotions that run wild and you so desperately want someone to like you like you. It's hard when feelings somehow get hurt when a friend gets a boyfriend and you aren't even asked. It's hard when people make fun of you and call you out for rejecting a guy because you aren't going to date. That's when it's hard.
But what's even harder is the waiting. Waiting for when God brings in the right guy in. The key here being WHEN GOD BRINGS. Not when I. Or when YOU. But when GOD.
It's hard learning to want to be patient and wait for God's your-life-story to come to the part where you meet your true love. But that's what we're asked to do.
Here's a verse from Psalms that has really helped me.
"Wait patiently on the Lord. Be brave and courageous. (And)Yes, wait patiently on the Lord."
Psalm 27:14
Yes, we must wait patiently for the Lord. Yes it will be hard but that's what God is there for. He gave us ULTIMATE LOVE in giving his son to die on the cross for what I did and what you did. There is no greater love for me. Nothing can compare to that. And for now I'm content to be in love with my Savior. He's my ONE.
It's just the trick is learn how to wait with him until my number Two man gets here.
But there's no one more willing to help me wait the Jesus. (Can I get an AMEN to that?!?!)

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