Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Follow the Yellow Brick Blog!

So - i'm up to 14 followers! Go team Amy go! I know that sounds like an absolute pitiful amount to some of you out there, those of you have literally hundreds of people reading you, but 14 is huge to me. I like that there are now 14 people out there there who like what i'm doing, who like my writing enough to officially press the ' Follow ' button. I feel like the last month has seen a major return to blogging for me - I'd never really stopped but the quality of my posting had. But I have a passion for it again. I'm writing more often and i'd like to think i'm writing better stuff. And not only am i writing more, i'm inspired to read more, and am spending a bit of time each day searching out new and exciting blogs to add to my reader.

However, and this is sad - i've been dumped. Bumped. Rejected, as it were. And i'm kind of upset about it. Here's the scenario - one of the blogs that i have been reading FOREVER has been made an invite-only blog.... AND I WASNT INVITED. Why am i kind of upset about this ? Well, this was the first blog i ever read, the blog that got me interested in blogging. I'd been reading it from its inception and reading it religiously, hardly ever missing a post. I felt like this blogger was my friend - in fact, we even met up once and hung out for four or five days, despite the fact that we lived over 10 hours drive apart. So i think it would be fair to say that if you were going to make your blog invite-only, i would be on the list. Right ? Yet, i'm not.

Where did i go wrong? Did i comment too much ? Not enough ? Did i start writing too much about pregnancy and babies and boring mumma stuff, and that somehow excludes me from reading what you write ? I just dont get it. I mean i'm loyal, man - if you write consistently good stuff, i'm there with you for the long haul.

You know, unless you decide to go and make your blog invite-only and then dont invite me....

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