Thursday, July 1, 2010

You Surprised Me

It's been a VERY BUSY Summer for me and even that is an understatement. In the month of June (which I'm not ready for it to be over but it is since it's July 1st) I've been a way from home a total of three weeks. One of the those weeks was Staff Week (which I wrote about) down in Alabama and the other two weeks have been at music camps at Belmont University (You should check it out. It's an AWESOME place that I'll be writing about when I finish this weeks camp.) Needless to say I have not been in touch with the blogger world.
Anyway, on to why you surprise me.
I launched blogger last night to see if I had any comments and to my surprise I see that I now have 11 followers and that made me happy. So to all my new followers WELCOME! and to my long time followers Thanks for sticking around.

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