Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scotland, Sunshine, and a Good Shiraz

Today I am going on holiday for two weeks, and for the first time in two years I will be completely inaccessible in terms of email, texts, phone, TV and so on. A strange place to be, especially as this week I delivered a key note paper at the International Librarian Conference held in Salford that in part looked at how we might use new technology to communicate, create and share knowledge and how to manage the emotionality of 24 hour accessibility. In part my paper also explored what it was like to work and learn at the edge of knowledge and not knowing, and how we might encourage students to inhabit this place. This is work that Sue McAndrew and I have been developing over the last 10 years. It was an interesting experience, for everyone. Thankfully I was emailed by a colleague at lunchtime to tell me that unprompted, other delegates had said how much they enjoyed the presentation and it was good to have something very different to think about. As for me, I intend not to think about anything work wise starting from now. Speak to you soon.

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