Monday, July 12, 2010

SLU 201: Pre-Trip

So I'm getting ready to leave for Student Leadership University 201 tomorrow. I went last year with several people from my youth group to SLU 101 down in Orlando and had a blast, learned a lot about being a good, effective christian leader in this day and age( plus I got 1/2 a college credit!). SLU is such a great program and I'm so looking forward to going to the next level with it.

101 was great and it was kind of like a camp minus the music and rec. 201 is stepping up quite a few notches. At 101 you could wear cloths like you'd wear at a normal camp (jeans, t-shirts, gym shorts, regular short i.e. practically everything in my wardrobe). At 201 Business Professional and Business Casual are the staple. In other words no jeans and t-shirts for me.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm supper excited about this week, it's just I know it's going to be a stretch for me. See in a normal week I maybe wear makeup twice and when I do it's just eye makeup and maybe concealer if I'm having a bad skin day. I won't be able to do that this week. I have to gussy up (to a point). The shoes are also going to get me. I don't do heels and yet what do I have in my suit case? Two pairs of heels to go with several of the outfits I've brought. They aren't even HIGH heels. They're maybe an inch, inch and a half. And they scare me.

I'll survive though. Dressing up won't kill me. It might injure me. Or just make my feet sore.

But it won't kill me.

Okay, so maybe I don't feel that apprehensive about having to dress up (well more than I would normally, a lot more). I'm actually really excited about it. I normally don't have much to dress up for so I don't. So this is just going to be weird for me.
Anyway moving on from the clothing issue.

I'm super SUPER SUPER excited about all we get to do this week. We'll be in Washington D.C. and get to go to a lot of cool places. It's going to be so awesome to spend time and learn about leading in the Capitol of my Country. We'll get to meet and listen to some awesome speaker including some Four Star Generals and some other high up there folk. I can wait to hear what they have to say.

I hope this week will teach me and my friends that are going to better use the leadership abilities that God has given us.


"In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain gifts well...If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously."
Romans 12:6&8

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