Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today is my mom's b'day. To wish her a happy one I'm going to list the things I love most about her.
1. Sh has a great daughter
2. She's about the coolest mom ever
3. She someone worth looking up to
4. She's there when I need her and even there when I don't
5. She has never tried to hold me back from anything
6. She lets me decide what I'd like to do instead of just telling me how to do it
7. She taught me to sing harmony
8. She is patient enough to deal with me
9. She always listens to what I have to say even if she doesn't agree with it
10. Did i mention she has a great daughter?
11. She feeds my need for books
12. She never treated me like a little kid
13 She taught me to speak adult
14. She always holds me to what I need to do but doesn't put too must pressure to make me explode
15. She doesn't care that i play the piano at all hours
16. She leaves me alone when I'm sick even though she really doesn't want to
17. She asked my advice on things that she could probably decide on her own
18. She supports my ever budding talent for music and is my number one fan
19. She works on a website to allow me to take horseback riding lessons
20. She does her best on that website to make sure it's really good
21. She asks me for advice
22. She does for everyone else before she does for herself
23. She inspires me more than she knows
24. She loves God with all of her heart and isn't afraid to let it show


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