Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here we go again

So yesterday I had a Orthodontist appointment for a retainer check. Most of the time the whole appointment takes maybe five minute. Well yesterday it took almost an hour an a half(most of that was waiting but when the Doctor finally came in to see how everything was going he did not like what he saw. My bottom teeth have shifted. And it's not because I didn't wear my retainer. It wasn't my fault. Apparently I have this thing called tongue thrust. It where when I swallow my tongue comes forward and pushes on my teeth. Needless to say I have to get braces AGAIN! Dr. Karr's being nice though and taking off 50% of the total since if my teeth aren't straight it makes him look bad or something. I have to go in September and get pictures taken of my teeth and stuff for all that. I'm okay with having braces again if it closes the gap that's there, I just don't want to have them for over a year. I have no clue when I'll get them back on and I'm not looking forward to it, but on the bright side when i get them on I can get rid of my nasty retainer!
Talk Later.

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