Sunday, June 29, 2008

World Changers

Well like I said I'm back from World Changers. We got back Saturday around five in the afternoon from our 10 hour drive home. So needless to say I am still very tired. So I thought I'd share a little(more than likely al ot) about what happened this past week.
Saturday- Woke up 3:00 in the morning to be at the church by four to leave. Was the first kid there and had to wait about 10 minutes before anyone else got there. Loaded up in the van drove for 11 hours. When we got to the school we unloaded and went to our room. Funny thing about the room we were one of two groups where both guys and girls got there own rooms it was pretty cool. Our room was small and crammed full of desks that we had to move into the hall to have any room so we did and then got in trouble but we didn't have to move them back until we left. Went to dinner and believe me it was not all that great, so Morgan and I ran to the showers. This is were it gets funny. I was the first in the shower and was still getting ready and decided to turn the shower on to let it warm up and stuff. So I turn it on and (you guessed it) got half way soaked because the shower was like a pressure washer and it wasn't hot. Everything else went well and was uneventful for the rest of the day.
Sunday- got ready for church and met my crew. Funny, funny time. I met my crew and we had our first crew chat. I was the medic. but the thing was our crew chief Nelson said right off that we could call him anything we want to. So we did. Here's a short list of some of the names that we called him: Nellie, Nellie Bell, Nell, Cecil, Earl, Tony, Anthony, Papa Smurf, Squirrel, Squirrely. The list could go on and on. So we met and went to church. We got there before anyone from the church did and had to wait. That's when we came up with most of the names. Went to the elderly ladies class at the church, which was okay except we kinda stuck out just alittle. Went to the service, only about, maybe, thirty people there it was good but was different that what I'm used to. Left after lunch to go to meet the person whose house we were gonna be working on, Mrs. Teets(yes that is her name) and had a good chat with her and her daughter. It was cool cause after we left to go to the van Squirrel stayed and talked to Mrs. Teets and her daughter for a few more minutes making sure that they had received Christ as their Savior and the daughter said the she had received Christ as a child but had not been to church in a few years but after seeing us youth giving up part of our summers to come and help her mother that she was going to go back. That really excited me. To know that I made a difference to some one. Rest of the day pretty uneventful.

Monday - We got up at 5:30 eastern time(4:30 for me!) to get ready for breakfast and head to work. On Monday we got a 5 by 5 deck and dug the post and poured some concrete(which we didn't get until about one o'clock so we got to go back to the school about an hour and a half earlier than we were supposed too. Had a good shower though. Nice and warm too.
Tuesday- about the same as Monday except we stayed longer this time. Nothing too eventful really happen until that night when we had a Concert of prayer. Which was AWESOME!!!! I will dedicate a post to it later.
Wednesday- Again about the same except we finished our project and had a half a day(not just our crew, everyone had a half day). So our Church group went to the mall for the rest of the day. It was all good until Audrey found out that all her money had been stolen so that didn't settle too well.
Thursday and Friday- Started another project at Mrs. Dorris' house. Painted scrapped lead paint stuff like that. It was fun though and we got it almost all done which was fine cause we didn't have to really finish it. But on Friday night we had to say good bye. Which was hard. Our whole crew got really close in the week we spent together. So it was pretty hard. But I made it.
All in all I had a very good time and can't wait till I can go back next year. I'll do a post about my crew and the Tuesday night service later so for now this is it.

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