So Tuesday at VBS in music we asked some one the kids who their favorite Musician. Of course there where girls who said Hannah Montana and bands like that, but I must list some of the more interesting ones.
Me to a 1st grade boy- What's your favorite musician?
1st grader- "Umm, uh I think that guy from uh Kiss, yeah Kiss"
Okay, and he's heard them how?
To the 2nd graders.
2nd graders- "Eagles" "Devil went down to Georgia"(I know it's not a band but still) "The Beatles" (to which Tessa got very excited) "The Queen" (that's how the little boy said it I know it is just Queen)
So after that Mr. John turns and asks how they know all of these bands. To which we reply "Guitar Hero". So that was interesting how much little ones know.
So in music yesterday we let the kids come up front and do the moves with us down front in the choir room as long as they do the motions. Anyway when we did this with the first graders there was one little girl that I know from the home school group and she hadn't come up and I could tell she wanted to so I motioned her up and she came up and turned to me and said "I don't know wear my pants are." So I look down and her t-shirt goes almost down to her knees so you could tell, but I thought I saw the edge of a skirt so I didn't really know what to say. Then she looks down and sees the little edge and says "Oh there they are" of course I'm like Okay what just happened here? Oh well that's VBS for ya. Talk later.
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