Sunday, August 21, 2011

John Wesley's Quote

John Wesley said the quote that is in that picture. I didn't realize the significance of it when I first saw it though. I thought, "That's a neat saying," and I moved on. It turns out that back in Wesley's day saying something like this was a very controversial statement. You see, back then a minister's parish was all he was in charge of. He took care of the people in that parish and that was it. He wasn't to be concerned about anyone outside of that. So for John Wesley to say he was concerned about the world had to be mind blowing for those who heard. It's awesome to know such things were being said by such men as John Wesley. Without those like him sharing this world view Christianity would not be as it is today and it would not have spread to so many people. I'm thankful men like Wesley stuck their necks out and said radical things.

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