Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Days of Music - Days 15 + 16

Good morning and welcome again to the veritable jukebox of hits that is my version of the 30 Days of Music challenge ( as found on Facebook. Search it ). I think, now that i'm halfway through, i'm pretty much set on doing a post every second day, and combining the two prompts. Anyhoodle:
Day 15 - The song you hate the most
Gawd there are a lot of songs i really do not like. And they change too - sometimes a song comes out that i hate and then it grows on me, sometimes i love a song the first time i hear it and then they play it 10 million times until it grates on my nerves. Oh, and some artists are like that too - some stuff i like, some i cant stand. One such artist is Britney Spears. I'd say 98% of the time her music falls into the " stuff i think is shite " category ( though her new one is pretty damn catchy ) and its been that way since the "Hit Me Baby ( One More Time )" days. So - one specific song of hers that i just really hate?
Yuck. The whole earnest sentiment she's going for here just made me nauseous. Yuck, yuck, fake, yucky yuck.

Day 16 - Post a song from your favourite band/artist.
Easy - even though most people only know them for a handful of songs that made the chart my favourite band of all-time is The Goo Goo Dolls. Their album " Dizzy Up The Girl " was like a drug for me during high school - i played 3 or 4 times a week at least, everytime i felt sad or depressed, and i just wanted to share it with everybody. It was just so profoundly "me " back then ( even though some of the subject matter - you know, like heroin addiction and abortion - had no personal meaning to me at all ). So, lets go with my favourite track off that album -
Even though " Iris " spoke much better FOR me, " Name " was everything i wanted for someone to say TO me, and Johnny Rzezniks voice just felt so raw and honest. I know this all sounds really "music snob" and like i'm trying really hard to be a Rollingstone reviewer but thats just how this song was for the over-thinking, sensitive, depressed teenage girl i was. Listen to it, hear it and then try not to love it....

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