Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today I Ate A Danish.....

... and it tasted good. But i felt bad. Guilty even. All i wanted was a little treat, a little Portuguese tart maybe, but they didnt have any so danish was the next best thing. But as soon as that last bite was in my mouth, i regretted having taken the first one. Why? 'Cause it had CARBS, and lots of CALORIES and it was HIGH GI. Oh. My.God. Smack my bottom, i've been a naughty girl.

In reality, i know that one danish in the scheme of things is not going to hurt me. I also know that i havent done the amount of exercise i promised myself i was going to start doing ( through various factors, but mostly because i keep chickening out. Finding an excuse. What am i afraid of? ) So when i get on those scales on Saturday morning and i have a smaller loss ( or, Gawd forbid, a gain! ) than i was hoping for, i'm going to curse that bloody danish. I'm going to blame its buttery pastery goodness, its sweet apple centre. Then i'm going to blame myself for eating it, and not exercising enough.

And then, just maybe, i might suck it up and stop making excuses. No more " aww, its too late now, i have to cook your dinner ". No more " aww, i cant go before work - i'd have to get up earlier and what if Flynn wakes up before i'm back? ". No more " I'm just too tired ". Suck it up, chest out, chin up and

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