Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cold and Flu and Buggy Things...

Image from here
Does anyone want my cold? I've had a cold/flu type thing for over a week now, and the constant sniffles and bone-rattling coughing fits are driving me up the wall. They are also hindering my fledgling exercise routine - by the end of the day my energy levels have been pretty low, so i havent done any exercise for the last 10 days. I'm not feeling too happy about this fact, seeing as i had done so well the last fortnight with the 2kg weight loss. I was really keen to push on and then bam! I've turned into germ city. Yuck.

However, i have been careful with what i've been eating. Granted, i did have takeaway twice in the past week but i made sure that my other meals those two days were spot on, health and calorie wise. I weighed myself this weekend, just out of curiousity and concern that this damned cold was sending me back a few steps, and i had lost weight ( i'm not telling you how much - you'll have to wait til next weeks official weigh in! ) but i'm 95% certain that had i been able to get in a few 40 minute walks i would have lost a bit more. I did take myself out for a stroll on my lunch breaks though - a leisurely 20 minute walk around the CBD near my office - and i guess thats something.

So we'll see how i'm feeling by Wednesday afternoon. Mick and I have agreed that Wednesday arvo's are my night to go out for a walk while he stays in with Flynn ( who is either in the middle of his dinner/bath/bed routine, or already asleep, when its most convenient to walk.. ), and then i can take Flynn in his pram Thursday and Friday mornings, weather permitting. So consider this me crossing my fingers that my cold clears up a little, and that the weather stays clear, over the next week....

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