We call our country the United States, and the key word is states. Washington has forgotten that. They united in 1776 to throw off an oppressive foreign government and establish their own, constricted central government. States prized their autonomy and strictly limited the new federal government when writing the Constitution. In case there should be any doubt about their intention about restricting its powers, they emphasized it again at the end of the Bill of Rights:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
That is the Tenth Amendment, and the federal government is behaving like it doesn’t exist. This is a problem as states are finding themselves more and more in conflict with Washington. They believe Washington is seizing powers the Constitution didn’t delegate. At least thirteen states filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming Congress and the president violate the Constitution by forcing a health care mandate on them without providing money to pay for it. So-called health care “reform” sparked a grassroots rebellion growing rapidly throughout the country over the past fifteen months. People are outraged when their congressmen vote for huge bills with enormous price tags that they haven’t even read.

The federal government is abdicating its responsibility to defend the states. It’s not even pretending to control the invasion by tens of millions of illegal aliens anymore. Lately, it’s blatantly refusing. Border states like Arizona are overrun and trying to cope but how do the feds respond? US Attorney General Eric Holder has threatened to file suit against Arizona claiming it’s new law is unconstitutional, though he hasn’t even read it! US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano condemns the law too but hasn’t read it either though it’s only ten pages long. I give my eighth graders more to read for homework, but smug cabinet officers make threats against a state without doing theirs.
This is bad. How bad?

The president of Mexico went to Washington DC recently and accosted Arizona for trying to prevent an invasion by millions of Mexicans - which he encourages - in our Capitol! How did Congress respond? By giving him a standing ovation! This guy is president of a country run by warring drug lords, who encourages his people to sneak into ours with impunity while harassing poorer people coming into his country from the south. And he dares lecture Arizona for trying to deal with an invasion by hundreds of thousands of foreign scofflaws and criminals?
Allahpundit says it best on hotair.com: “If the feds can’t handle this issue, fine; just don’t cry when state and local governments decide that they can.”
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