Friday, June 4, 2010

Staff Week

This past week has been amazing. Me and several others from my youth group went down to Shocco Springs, Alabama, to help staff a Student Life Camp and it was AWESOME. I've never had such a good time doing such hard work. We helped with merchandise, running cameras, back stage production, and Rec. Rec was the hardest because we had to set up, run and take down everything everyday but it was worth it when the Staff thanked us for doing an EXCELLENT job. That right there made it worth it to me because I didn't feel like I was doing excellent. I was tired, sore, wet, muddy, and annoyed with the students who weren't listening to me but every time I started to complain Philippians 2:14 (Do everything without complaining or arguing.) popped into my head or a Staff member would come and tell me I was doing great.
It was great just being a servant this week. I wasn't up on stage, I wasn't teaching anyone anything (except my games at Rec), I was just there to help others and it was great. Just getting to know the Staff and where they're from and what they're like was cool. I've never been able to get to know them and now I do and they're great people ( I also didn't realize how close in age we all were most of them were only three or four years older than me.)
Staffing Shocco Springs has really helped me. I know now just how much I love working in that kind of environment. Applying to be a Staff member for Student Life is something I'm seriously wanting to do the summer of my freshman year of college and I have such a peace about that decision. God is so awesome in how he reveals things to you. I never would have thought that I would want to Staff for Student Life but now I do. God is just so AWESOME!

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