Saturday, November 22, 2008

Perpetual Rainy Day

It was a perpetual rainy day, every day, for her. Not even the hottest days of summer could warm her deeply chilled bones. Why was she like this? No one really knew. On the outside she showed no signs of why her world was in constant rain. She seemingly bore no scars of her past, but they were there, buried deep under the layers of hurts and a trusted umbrella.

Walking down the muddy road that was her life she thought she saw a glimpse of sun. It only turned out to be a light drizzle, but it was not perpetual rain. So she tarried there in his company. This boy, who you could say he was charming and kind, was a welcome rest from her rain. So she set her trusted umbrella down and let him see some of her scars, but he did not care, not even a little bit. She was blind sided. She let down her guard and got hurt. Her slight drizzle turned into a strong down pore, and she was left helpless, soaked and chilled to the bone.

Painfully she bent to pick up the pieces that she had carelessly thrown down. How could she have been so foolish? She knew better than to let someone in that close. So she covered the scars and walked on into her perpetual rainy day, and a trusted umbrella overhead trying to keep dry the already soaked hurts. Never again would she allow her scars to show.

The rainy days of her life slowly got worse growing stronger after that first down pore, until finally she found that even the umbrella and layers of hurts could not keep the down pores away. So one by one they were dropped until she was left there standing bare. All her well-hidden scars left to be seen by all. Yet no one was there to see them or help them heal; no one to comfort her. So her sobs mingled with the rain of her perpetual down pore.

Then the sun suddenly shone and she was warmed by an unseen power that washed over her. She opened her eyes to see a man, but not just any man there was something about him that was different. She could tell by the way he looked at her, his eyes where so full of love and kindness. He was wet, soaked to the bone just as she was. He had been there with her all this time. In her despair He was there for every hurt He was there. He was there to help heal them. The Son was there to take them away. All her hurts were no more. Jesus had taken them. They had been left behind in her last perpetual rainy day.
This is a short story I wrote. It was random that I wrote it but I thought I's share it with ya'll.

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