Monday, November 3, 2008

My Prayer Of Peace

I want this to be over

Or is that to much to ask?

I want this to be over

But I know it's going to last.

Day by Day

I learn to pray

And learn to deal with this

This thing that threatens to take my hope away

I wish it were over,

With no questions asked.

And I wish it could finish

So I wouldn't have to wear this mask

That's made of such fragile glass

And may shatter with another stormy blast.

But in all this I know

I must just let it go

And let God.

But something keeps holding me back.

What is it?

I don't know.

All I know is that it won't let me let go.

And won't let it's self be shown

For what it really is.

This thing it keeps me from peace

All I want is it to release

So I can be free

God when you hear me

Please answer my prayer

I send this to you

because I know that You care

I want that utter peace that only You can give.


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