Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm finnally Official!!

Well this Wednesday I had my first fall off a horse! I have a sprained my left ankle and a pretty sore back. If your wondering why the title says I'm finally official, well you're not an official rider until you fall of a horse(bareback doesn't count). So I've been riding for about 5 or 6 years, and it took me this long to fall off. I was riding a horse named Waylon also known as Waylo and we were cantering(just a little slower than a gallop) he started bucking I stayed on because he had done it before, so my instructor had me canter him around a few more rounds. After that we stopped for a little bit to let Callie(the girl I take lessons with) go. Then it was my turn again so I went and he was fine until we got around the first turn then he started bucking again. Not just a little pop up with the back feet but full head down arched back bucking. We all thought I would stay on bat then he bucked and twisted and I came off. I didn't know I had come off till I hit the ground. All I remember is him bucking then me hitting the ground. When I hit I must have landed on my ankle causing the sprain then I hit hard on my back and got the breath knock out of me. Needless to say I couldn't get right back on but I will once I can.

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