Friday, September 2, 2011

College Mail

Years ago when I was just a tiny tot I loved getting mail. I would ALWAYS ask if anything had come for me and on the rare occasion that there was something in the stack for me, my excitement would go through the roof. As I grew from there my excitement would be still be present but I had adopted the preteen attitude of indifference. However, when I hit Junior year mail started coming in right and left. The longest I could go without getting mail was a couple of days. And when I really thought I couldn't get anymore, Senior year happened. Not a day has gone by that I have not had some form of mail. All of it has been from colleges and all of it has gotten old. I don't want any more college mail!

That all changed yesterday. I've applied to couple of places and got the first response back yesterday.

It's from this place. Lee University. The place I want to go. And guess what? I'm in. I've been accepted!
I'm too excited for words! T
his is such an answer to prayers.

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