Thursday, February 10, 2011

CPAC2011 Thursday Morning

Got my media pass at 7:00 AM. It's 9:00 now gearing up in the main function room below. I’m in the Bloggers’ Lounge, but I don’t know for how long. I have my media credentials and it says "Blogger" in green below my name on the conference pass. Haven’t been over at the media lounge yet, and if I’m kicked out of here, I’ll check it out. I’m told I can work over there if I have to. Looks like old media: newspapers, TV, etc. There’s a good spirit here and I’ll try to stand my ground. Either way, I saved the $175 conference fee I've usually paid as a conservative civilian and that counts for something.
David Keene, president of the American Conservative Union is speaking, to introduce Michelle Bachmann. She read the roll call of conservative Republican congressman and Senators. She's up now and pumping up the faithful. They're responding. The room isn't filled yet, but they're pouring in from the far side.The internet connection here is deathly slow. So many people are uploading video now, it's clogging things. I better publish when I can. Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs just sat down next to me and set up. Talked to her in the lounge last night. She's a soldier. Gonna attend her presentation on the Ground Zero Mosque tomorrow.

Okay. Michelle is going after the libs for shutting down energy development here in the good old USA. You know, oil shale, offshore drilling, ANWAR, etc. Good for her. She's finishing now. She's pumping up the crowd to take back the country. "Let's roll."

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