Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach is what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.
It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
God uses it to prepare and equip his people
to do every good work.

This past weekend my youth group hosted a DNow weekend. It's pretty much a stay at home retreat where we brought in SWAT (students with a testimony) to be our councilors. It was great. For me, it's a jump start in the middle of the semester to get me back into wanting to be on fire for God. This year's theme was Get Off The Fence. Read Revelation 3:15 and it will get you a good idea of how God feels about people stuck in the middle.

I didn't feel like I learned much new but I was reminded of several things. One of those was just how important scripture memorization is. Reading your Bible is sometimes put in a higher place than hiding God's word in your heart and don't get me wrong reading your Bible is VERY important but so is memorizing scripture. I forget that. I just read and say "Oh that's an awesome verse," and then forget about it. Then when I need that verse I can only remember the gist of it.
A couple of my friends and I are going to work on that. We've agreed to memorize a verse a week and hold each other accountable. This is going to be a good challenge for all of us. My verse for the week is at the top. I thought it was a good verse to jump start why I'm memorizing God's Word.
So to equip and prepare myself I hide God's Word in my heart.

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