Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter From The Happy Family

( Another sneak peek from the photo shoot with my friend Ree ... that i havent exactly blogged about yet. Stay tuned. )

A belated happy Easter to you all. I gotta say, its been a busy and beautiful one for me. Good Fridaywas spent pretty lazily, watching movies and hanging out at home with my two boys. Saturday was spent visiting bubbas in the morning - Mick's sister had a little boy ( Justin Paul, 8lb 9oz ) on April 1st and my aunt had a baby girl ( Elyssa Lee, 5lb 3oz ) on April 2nd - and then it was time to set up for our engagement party. The boys got all the " boy jobs " done ( picked up the big roaster and meat from the butchers, bought ice, set up the tables and chairs ) and i made the potato bakes and salads.

I gotta say after worrying that nobody would turn up to our party and that it would all be a big let down, everything turned out fine. I had a great time! Mick got himself a little wasted and threw up on pavers after everyone had gone home but hey, who HASNT done that after a big one ? At least my Dad found it amusing ( the party was at my parents house ) and he now has fodder for tormenting Mick with for the rest of our lives. We woke up at my parents place on Sunday, swapped eggs with the rest of my immediate family ( who had also stayed the night ) and i spent the entire day in my pyjamas. Mmmm....comfy!

Today? We got grocery shopping done so we can eat this week and its another round of movies this arvo. Here's to long weekends!

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