Wednesday, April 15, 2009


You know the saying "April Showers bring May flowers." Well we've been having quite a few showers here in Tennessee. They haven't been just showers though, they've been out and out gully-washing, tornado warning, turn the TV up loud and get to your safe place type storms. They've all come on the weekends mostly. I think just about every Friday there has been one. It's been weird. I don't remember ever having this many bad storms in a row for a long time. We've had some bad ones but they've always seemed real spaced out.
We were talking about the weather in Sunday School when one of the girls mentioned that the weather on (Good)Friday matched what it was on the first Good Friday and then Easter Sunday's weather (which was bright and sunny) matched what an ideal Easter would be. I thought that was really cool. I hadn't thought about it but it was true. The Bible talks about the sky going dark from noon to three and that was about when the storm came through. Well anyway enjoy the pictures!
Please pray for the families that were hit by the Tornadoes that did hit in a few counties.
1- The pond like puddle that forms in our driveway. I thought the reflection of the trees and sky was cool.
2-Our creek very much so flooded. It wasn't over it's banks but it had a whole lot more water than normal.
3- A tree in the woods on the way to the creek with the sky that was sort of clearing.
4- The tail end of the storm.
5-Very ominous looking cloud.

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