Monday, February 9, 2009

Kaleo 2009

This past weekend I went to a conference called Kaleo at Samford University, in Birmingham Alabama. The Conference was amazing. It was for people who felt called to ministry and stuff like that. I wasn't too sure at first but just decided to go and it really helped clear somethings up for me. See I didn't really see myself as being someone who was called to be anything. I knew there was something I just wasn't sure. For awhile now I've been really considering going into college for music and wasn't really sure how that could be used for a Christian Ministry. Well one of the speakers was talking about the different types of callings. At first I was thinking "great someone to tell us to be a missionary or pastors wife" or something like that but he didn't. He started off saying that there are three different kinds of calls.

First there is a UNIVERSAL Call. That is a call that all Christians have from the moment they are saved, into serving other for Christ.

Second there is a GENERAL Call and that is to a particular service not just a Ministerial call but a call to be something for God

And third there is a Specific Call this is the one where you are called to be a pastor or missionary.

That really hit me. WE ARE ALL CALLED. Let me say that again. WE ARE ALL CALLED. We can't get away with saying we aren't called. We are. The moment Jesus comes into our lives we are called.

Another thing that got me was that you can be called to be anything. If you love to _____(insert something you love to do), but aren't called to me a Minister of whatever it is you chose for a job, God can still use your love of ______ for His Glory. God can use any profession for Him and that thing that you love so much and want to use as your career was placed in your heart by God Himself to use for His Glory. I find that SO AMAZING!!!! GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!!!

Well that about it besides saying that Samford University is a BEAUTIFUL Campus and stuff so that's about it Talk Later.
Pictures: Chapel where the conference was held a very pretty place.
A building I thought was pretty on campus
The group that went: Left to right. Back row. Mike(youth minister), Tessa, Evan, Austin, Brandon, Jerry. Front row. Sharron(Mikes wife) Alexis, Morgan, Me.
The Painting we saw painted. Really Amazing to see done and hard to explain
Me and Tessa

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